{"courseid":"54077","coursename":"Equity Derivatives","coursecode":"EQD","courseimage":"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/8053800/Header%20Images/Group%203.jpg","youwilllearn":"
  1. Learn about investment strategies with equity swaps and options
  2. Understand the role of dividends and stock loan in risk managing commonly traded products
  3. Gain practical experience in pricing and hedging equity derivatives
  4. Learn advanced trading techniques to take positions in volatility and volatility skew

22nd - 24th April 2025

1st - 3rd September 2025


£4710 (US$5370)


Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel and a general understanding of equity markets.

","teacherimage":"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/8053800/Teachers/Simon%20Acomb-min.jpg","teachername":"Simon Acomb","teacherbio":"

Dr Simon Acomb has over 30 years of experience in quantitative finance. He started his career in finance at Barclays deZoete Wedd in 1992 in the Equities Derivatives Group and progressed to run the quantitative research team.

This was followed by five years at Commerzbank, where he established a derivatives proprietary trading team and then became head of the equity quantitative research group. Most recently, Simon has been a managing director at Morgan Stanley as global head of the Equities Analytic Modelling Group. He now works as a consultant and trainer in mathematical finance.

","brochureid":"3527","sampleid":"no sample"}