{"courseid":"54124","coursename":"Inflation and Investment Management","coursecode":"IIM","courseimage":"https://8053800.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8053800/Header%20Images/Group%205.jpg","youwilllearn":"
  1. Gain familiarity with inflation as an economic phenomenon
  2. Learn how to quantify and interpret inflation tendencies
  3. Analyse the impact of inflation on risk and return of investment opportunities
  4. Gain understanding of the various implications of inflation on investment portfolio and risk management

£3600 (US$4000)


Basic understanding of economics and financial markets, and instruments.

","teacherimage":"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/8053800/Teachers/Andreas%20Steiner-min.jpg","teachername":"Andreas Steiner","teacherbio":"

Andreas Steiner is an independent consultant with over 15 years of practical experience in investment management. He focuses on investment process with related projects ranging from risk management to portfolio construction.

He has published research on a wide range of investment topics - i.e. \"Risk Parity for the Masses\" in The Journal of Investing - and is currently working on a book covering asset allocation and applied portfolio theory. Previously, Andreas held various roles at banks and fund management companies and was Head of Investment Risk Management at a private bank in Switzerland. He was also an external lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, delivering courses on portfolio theory, performance analysis, international investing and Behavioural Finance. Andreas holds a Master's degree magna cum laude in Economics from the University of Zurich specializing in Monetary Economics and Financial Markets. He is also a member of various industry associations related to investment performance and risk.

","brochureid":"3319","sampleid":"no sample"}