LFS Capital Markets Fundamentals
The Capital Markets are the main arenas where borrowers, lenders and investors – Governments, Central Banks, Banks, Insurance Companies, Fund Managers, Companies, etc. – all come together to carry out their various financial transactions and engagements.
This hands-on programme will give you a solid understanding of the overall structure, and regulation, of financial markets, as well as the key factors that drive market performance, the main participants and the main products of Equity markets, Government Bonds, Credit and Foreign Exchange including Derivatives. The course is completed by a section covering the basics of Options.
Practical exercises are used extensively to ensure that participants can apply the learning immediately and are able to advance their career.
This programme benefits all professionals new to the Capital Markets industry, including those working in ancillary roles and in the finance and funding areas of banks, companies and governments.
Recommend to a ColleagueThis course is also available in New York Time Zone and Singapore Time Zone
This course is designed for anyone who needs to learn about Capital Markets and then progress to more advanced market / product-specific topics.
- People recently graduated or transferring to a career in Capital Markets from other industries
- Professionals from other areas working in financial institutions (e.g. lawyers, marketers, IT)
- Bank, Insurance Company, Pension Fund and Asset Management employees
- Central Bank and Government Funding personnel
- Finance and treasury departments in publicly listed companies
- Risk managers, finance professionals, auditors, accountants and financial advisors
- Understand the overall structure of financial markets and the main participants and their financial requirements
- Learn about the key asset classes – Equities, Money Markets, Government Bonds, Credit, FX and Derivatives – and what drives their performance
- Understand the details of the main financial products in each of the above asset classes and how they are issued and traded
- Become familiar with basic Derivative products and how / why they are used
- Gain insights into the key global regulators, the main regulations and the effect that they have on market participants
No prior knowledge is required for this course.
Richard Fedrick is a finance expert specialising in derivatives, structured products, and risk management. With roles at Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, and General Re Financial Products, he has led structuring, sales, and trading in rates and FX exotics.
He started his career in 1988 in the Derivatives Product Group at Morgan Stanley, which he joined after three years of post-graduate research in Theoretical Physics. He spent three years as a rates and FX structurer at Morgan Stanley before moving to Deutsche Bank in London, where he joined a newly-formed team designing and selling structured products across Europe.
In 1993 Richard joined General Re Financial Products, a AAA-rated derivatives boutique that rapidly became established as one of the world’s leading derivatives trading operations. At GRFP, Richard initially ran the structuring desk, before moving into trading (rates and FX exotics), and finished as a Managing Director and global co-head of structuring and sales.
He joined Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in 2002 before moving into the executive education industry in 2004.
Richard has a 1st Class degree in Physics from St John’s College, University of Oxford.
a Brochure with full details for LFS Capital Markets Fundamentals
Capital Markets Overview
Market Overview
The key participants
- Key participants – investors (lenders) and issuers (borrowers)
- Hedge funds – what makes a hedge fund? How do they make money?
- Market drivers – requirements for funding, sources of capital
- Primary vs. secondary markets
Essential macro drivers
- What drives market prices
- What drives relative outperformance between asset classes and instruments
Measuring investment performance
- ‘Alpha’ vs. ‘beta’, absolute performance vs. benchmarking
- In defence of tracker funds
- Key metrics of performance – total return, RoE/RoA, return per unit risk (Sharpe ratio)
- Equity indices – total return vs. capital appreciation, price-weighted vs. market cap-weighted
The key participants
The key markets
- Principal asset classes
- Physical (cash) markets vs. delta-1 derivatives
- Non-linear (bespoke) derivatives
Workshop: Understanding price drivers and how the market responds to financial and geo-political news across all main asset classes – Analysis of empirical results from history
The role of the investment bank
- Who are involved, from origination to trading
How banks make money
- Cross-selling opportunities
- Understanding clients’ needs on both buy-side and sell-side
- Intermediating and warehousing risk, balance-sheet and capital implications
Market regulation and supervision
Review of the Global Financial Crisis
- Understanding the causes
- The lessons that the market learnt
- The role of the Central Banks and domestic regulators
- Supranational regulation (Basel), solvency and capital
Financial legislation post-crisis (Dodd-Frank, EMIR)
- The Volcker rule and the impact on banks’ business models
- MiFiD and its consequences
The role of compliance departments within banks
- Review of recent scandals (LIBOR/FX manipulation, swaps miss-selling, et al)
Review of the Global Financial Crisis
The capital structure decision
- Debt vs. equity financing – borrower perspective and investor perspective
- Leverage vs. solvency – is there an optimal debt/equity ratio?
- Why banks are different from corporates
Workshop: Calculation of shareholder RoE for a corporate under three capital structure scenarios
Equity Markets
Equity Cash Markets
Primary markets
- The decision to go public – pros and cons
Structuring an IPO
- From inception, through roadshows, to launch and after-market support
- The roles played by different divisions within the lead-manager
- Why league tables (seem to) matter
Rights issues and other secondary market offerings
- Computing the theoretical ex-rights price (TERP)
- The ‘greenshoe’
Equity secondary market trading
Sources of liquidity
- Public inventories and dark pools
Equity market-making
- Mechanics of short-selling
The role of research
- Technical vs. fundamental research
- Do historical price patterns matter?
Sources of liquidity
Trade execution and trading platforms
- Electronic trading platforms and HFT
- ‘Direct market access’ and execution efficiency
Workshop: Secondary market capital raising – Analysis of a recent bank rights issuer and calculation of the TERP
Convertible Bonds
Convertible bond structure and mechanics
- CB variations (exchangeables, mandatories)
- Key jargon and ratios – parity, conversion ratio, bond floor, conversion premium
- Borrowers’ and investors’ perspective
Contingent convertibles (CoCos)
- Structure and mechanics
- Motivation for CoCo issuance
Equity Delta-1
Equity forwards, single-stock and indices
- Where is the fair forward?
- The stock borrow
Equity index futures
- Mechanics and settlement, margining
- Futures and leverage
- Fair value and basis trading
Hedging with futures
- Computing the hedge ratio
- Tracking errors, adjusting for Beta
Equity swaps
- Mechanics and applications
Workshop: Using futures to hedge – Cutting the exposure on a large equity position using index futures
Fixed Income Markets
The Money Markets
Understanding interbank rates
- What are interbank rates? What is LIBOR and why has it been problematic?
- Overnight indices
- Central Banks and interest-rate policy
Other money-market instruments
- Bank deposits and CDs
- T-bills
- Commercial Paper
Debt Markets
DCM and bond issuance
- Considerations for first time issuers
- Bonds vs. loans
- The issuance process – auctions vs. underwritten deals
Bond types, structures and market conventions
- Types of bonds, MTNs
- Fixed rate bonds vs. FRNs
Understanding the yield curve
- The various yield curves that we look at
- Drivers of shape and level
- Macroeconomic drivers and the impact of Central Bank activity
Workshop: Comparison of different money-market instruments and the returns offered
Bond Pricing and Risk
Coupon, price, yield
- Clean vs. dirty prices, accrued interest calculations
- Price/yield relationship and PV01
The various duration measures
- Duration, modified duration and Macaulay duration
- From (mod) duration to DV01
Alternative bond structures
- Callable bonds
- Structured notes
Interest rate swaps
- Mechanics of an IRS
- Intuitive swaps pricing and risk
Capital market applications
- New issue swaps
- Asset swaps
- Hedging interest rate risk
Workshop: Swapping a new issue
Credit Markets and FX
Credit Markets
Understanding seniority and creditor claims
- The bankruptcy process and order of priority
- Historic default and recovery rates
Pricing credit risk
- Spread, recovery rate and default probability
CDS vs. cash-market spreads
- The different spreads and how they are related
The role of the ratings agencies
- Why ratings and spreads can diverge
Corporate bond issuance
- Investment grade and high-yield debt markets
Securitization and ABS
What is securitization?
- Who are the market participants?
- Motivation for securitization
- Credit enhancement of the collateral pool
Asset-backed markets
- Process of asset securitization
- Nature and type of assets securitized
- Long-term vehicles vs. short-term commercial paper facilities
- Mortgage-backed securities
- Covered bonds
Tranched Structures
- The waterfall process
- CDOs, CLOs, CBOs, CMOs – the whole family
- Briefly on the 2008 crisis
Workshop: The 2008 Crisis
Foreign Exchange
- Spot market conventions
- Computing cross-rates
Forward FX quotation conventions
- Computing the fair forward rate
- Hedging commercial exposures
FX Swaps
- Swaps vs. outright forwards
Customer applications of FX swaps
- Using FX swaps as a cash-management tool
- How customers use FX swaps to manage market and liquidity risk
- Using FX swaps to optimize funding and investment opportunities
- Option Definitions
- Uses of Options
- Directional Views
- Volatility, Time Value and Basic Option Pricing
Workshop: FX hedging strategies
Course Details
This course is also available in New York Time Zone and Singapore Time Zone
- To run this course at your organisation, contact us.

Call now for more information on this course or to book:
EMEA +44 (0) 20 7378 1050
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