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Derivatives Accounting IFRS9

This program will give you a deep understanding of derivatives accounting and the application of hedge accounting for the interest rate, inflation, FX, and commodities markets. Learning is based on an intense use of real cases, applying ASC 815 step-by-step and incorporating the changes in ASU 2017-12. The new requirements are contrasted with the previous ones where needed, with detailed discussions on the implementation of new rules.

Case studies and workshops simulate real-life client discussions, and cover the decision-making, documentation requirements, hedge effectiveness assessment, and the accounting entries of a hedging strategy during its life.

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  • Date:
  • Venue:
  • This course is only available via LFS LiveLFS Live
  • Fee:
  • US$1800 per day
    US$3600 total

This course is also available in London Time Zone and Singapore Time Zone

Who The Course is For
  • Derivatives structurers and salespeople
  • Finance, internal audit, and risk control professionals
  • Treasurers
  • Consultants and external auditors
  • Derivatives middle-office
  • Stock analysts
Prior Knowledge
  • Basic understanding of financial statements
  • Derivatives instruments: forwards, calls, puts, and interest rate swaps (basic level)

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