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ESG Investing

The financial world is undergoing a significant transformation. The main focus of this course is about how to position a listed investment portfolio in the future of humans; by being invested in 5G, in the future tech economy and in sustainability investing. Participants will (1) learn how best to invest in the 5G and technology wave, (2) master the transformational forces of digitalization and the new competitive dynamics it gives rise to and (3) synthesize insights on green finance.

This workshop will introduce sustainability reporting and the relevant requirements for listed companies. Sustainability reporting adds value by heightening an organization’s awareness to remain robust and resilient through deployment of sustainable and efficient processes. There is clear evidence that the financial performance of companies corresponds with how well they handle environmental, social, governance (ESG) and other non-financial matters. Course participants will learn ways to identify listed companies with strong ESG proposition, how a strong ESG proposition creates shareholder value, and how ESG investing can result in long-term returns for their portfolios while caring for the environment.

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  • Date:
  • Please contact us
  • Venue:
  • Central London
  • Fee:

This course is also available in New York Time Zone and Singapore Time Zone

Who The Course is For
  • CEOs, CFOs, COOs
  • Investment bankers
  • Management consultants
  • Financial analysts
  • Institutional investors
  • CFA candidates
Learning Objectives
  • Understand the importance of 5G, the tech economy and sustainability investing
  • Analyze the evolution of digital transformation
  • Identify how Covid-19 affects consumer behaviors
  • Develop ways to invest and ride on the 5G wave and the tech economy
  • Solidify key takeaways using a recent sustainability reporting case study
Prior Knowledge

Participants are not required to have specific prior experience of any of the subject areas. More experienced individuals will be able to build on their knowledge through practical, current case studies.

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