Strategic Asset Liability Management
Strategic Asset-Liability Management (ALM) can significantly improve financial performance by delivering a better balance between returns and risks across a more comprehensive set of both on- and off-balance sheet assets and liabilities.
This advanced programme covers best practice in ALM as well as ALM’s role as a strategic function in financial institutions.
Beyond full coverage of the key ALM areas of interest rate, liquidity, FX and credit risks, their measurement and best practice management; the course also integrates all key risks into a state-of-the-art constrained optimization solution for ALM, compliant with the – now clearer – suite of regulatory requirements banks face going into "Basel IV".
Practical application and strategic decision making are emphasized throughout the programme via real-world case studies and workshops, which focus on international best practices and explore the experiences of a range of institutions.
Recommend to a ColleagueThis course is also available in London Time Zone and New York Time Zone
- Members of the Asset Liability Committee (ALCO)
- Treasury professionals
- Money market and FX traders
- Management of credit, deposit and other major business units
- Liquidity investment managers and traders
- Capital markets teams covering financial institutions
- Strategic planning professionals
- Risk managers and risk controllers
- Financial officers and auditors (internal and external)
- Regulators overseeing banking, investment and trading books
- IT professionals specializing in treasury systems
- Gain a solid knowledge on how to measure and manage all key risks faced in ALM, including through use of derivatives and dynamically over time
- Learn how to set appropriate incentives through funds and full transfer pricing and economic value added frameworks to strategically steer the balance sheet
- Gain hands-on experience to conduct ALM holistically, integrating all key risks, and subject to all regulatory and risk constraints, to optimize earnings and balance sheet resilience
- Learn how to organize your ALM function efficiently
It is assumed that participants have a basic familiarity with a bank’s treasury operations, banking activities, and fundamental market instruments such as forwards, swaps and options.
Rupesh Tailor is a banking sector specialist with over fourteen years’ experience, having worked for sell-side and buy-side financial institutions including Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Merrill Lynch, Auriga Investors and Morgan Stanley. He specialized in the European bank sector as well as the analysis of high yield and leveraged finance investments. His responsibilities included analysis, trading and portfolio management of credit and equity products.
Rupesh has consulted for two of Europe’s Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBs) regarding their stress test modelling - as part of the 2014 European Central Bank/European Banking Authority stress test of euro area banks - and has also developed stress test models for a variety of other banks’ ICAAP and ILAAP needs. His proprietary stress-testing models are widely recognized as having accurately predicted the failures of various US, Irish, Spanish and Icelandic banks; as well as being highly successful at identifying businesses in structural decline at an early stage.
At LFS, he delivers expert-led courses in Asset-Liability Management, Bank Stress-Testing, Basel III, High Yield & Leveraged Finance, Distressed Debt, and Fixed Income Attribution, helping financial professionals and institutions succeed.
Rupesh received a MA in Economics from Cambridge University and achieved First Class Honours.
a Brochure with full details for Strategic Asset Liability Management
Risk Measurement and Management in ALM
Overview of ALM
- ALM’s expanding role in managing risks and returns across the bank
- ALM organization overview
- Key risks managed – interest rate, liquidity, FX and credit risks
- Strategic ALM – Use of funds transfer pricing, full transfer pricing and economic value added (EVA) to steer the balance sheet
- ALM as a constrained optimization problem – maximizing profit subject to compliance with all regulatory and internal constraints holistically
Interest Rate Risk
- Earnings and economic value of equity (EVE) impacts of interest rate risk (IRR)
- Earnings-based IRR measurement models – repricing gap, maturity-adjusted repricing gap, marginal and cumulative gaps, standardized gap
- EVE IRR measurement models – duration gap, cash flow mapping, duration intervals, modified residual life, clumping
- IRR measurement in the trading book – VAR and expected shortfall; FRTB treatment
- Behavioural and financial options – non-maturity deposits, pre-payments, term deposits, automatic interest rate options
Case Study 1: Deposit modelling at Barclays Plc
Case Study 2: Modelling pre-payments at Barclays Plc
- Basis risk
- Yield curve twist and curvature risk
- Dynamic analysis of net interest income risk
- Managing net interest income risk across currencies
- Estimating asset and liability volatilities and correlations
- IRR stress-testing and earnings-at-risk
- IRR hedging techniques using interest rate swaps, swaptions, caps/floors/collars, futures, swap futures, forward rate agreements
Case Study 3: Use of interest rate derivatives to hedge interest rate risk on residential mortgage book
- New BCBS standards for Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)
- Estimating deposit interest rate elasticities
Workshop 1: Dynamic analysis of net interest income risk for a bank balance sheet and design of hedging strategy
Liquidity Risk
- Key sources of liquidity risk – maturity mismatch, collateral posting requirements and off-balance sheet
- LCR and NSFR
- Liquidity stress-testing
- Key behavioural options – deposits (demand and time); pre-payable/revolving loans; liquidity/credit facilities
- Deposit modelling under stress – deterministic, historic and stochastic factor models
Case Study 4: Deposit modelling under stress at Barclays Plc
- Stressing liquidity/credit facility drawdowns – deterministic, historic and stochastic factor models
Case Study 5: Modelling stressed liquidity/credit facility drawdowns at Deutsche Bank AG
- Collateral management – CSAs, initial margin requirements, central clearing
- Funding Value Adjustment (FVA) and Margin Value Adjustment (MVA)
Case Study 6: Calculating FVA and MVA
- Stressed derivative collateral posting requirements – modelling for ratings triggers and stressed financial market conditions
Case Study 7: Stress testing collateral posting requirements for a derivatives portfolio
- Contingency funding plan
Credit Risk
- Key sources of credit risks – loans, bonds and counterparty credit risk
- Expected and unexpected credit losses, including expected credit loss measurement and dynamics under IFRS 9
- Credit value at risk
- Using credit derivatives to manage loan book credit risk
Case Study 8: Use of CDS at Nordea to manage loan book credit risk and benefit from capital efficiency
- Use of securitization for credit risk transfer, funding and/or capital efficiencies
Case Study 9: Use of securitization at Lloyds Banking Group Plc
- Options for NPL management – outsourced collections; sale; creation of non-core units; securitization; EVA approach as best practice
Case Study 10: What strategies are European banks using to deal with their NPLs?
- Counterparty credit risk – Credit value adjustment (CVA); CVA hedging; use of proxies for counterparty credit curves; new standardized approach for CVA (SA-CVA) and how best to arrange derivatives activities for CVA capital efficiency
Strategic ALM
ALM Optimization
- Recap of key regulatory requirements within which ALM must be conducted – Basel 3 Pillar 1 capital requirements; LCR and NSFR; leverage ratio; Pillar 2 capital and liquidity requirements; total loss absorbency capacity (TLAC) and minimum requirement for eligible liabilities requirement (MREL); various “Basel 4” components including revised standardized approach for credit risk, SMA (operational risk), SA-CVA, new market risk standard (FRTB), IRRBB and capital output floor
- How should banks think of ALM as a constrained optimization problem to maximize earnings subject to these various regulatory requirements as well as internal risk limits
Case Study 11: Model for ALM optimization for a hypothetical bank, compliant with all regulatory requirements and making recommendations for strategy for the constituent business units
Workshop 2: Simulating the ALM-optimized balance sheet for new business development and market risk shocks. What actions should be taken?
Collateral Management
- Understanding Credit Support Annexes (CSAs)
- New regulatory requirements for initial margin
- Central clearing
- Collateral management – rehypothecation vs. segregation; “cheapest to deliver” collateral optionality; managing the liquidity buffer composition in different stress scenarios
- Funding Value Adjustment (FVA) as a measure of the net cost of variation margin collateral posting
Case Study 12: Calculating FVA
- Margin Value Adjustment (MVA) as a measure of the cost of initial margin collateral posting
Case Study 13: Calculating MVA
- Stressed derivative collateral posting requirements – modelling for ratings triggers and stressed financial market conditions
- How should we manage the liquidity buffer?
Risks and Returns in Fair Value Portfolios
- Strategic use of trading book and investment/available for sale portfolios
- VAR, stressed VAR and expected shortfall frameworks for monitoring risk
Case Study 14: Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB). What does the ALCO need to be aware of?
- Measuring returns on risks taken in fair value portfolios
- Risk limit setting
- ALM oversight of market risks to control capital and funding impacts
Funds Transfer Pricing. Full Transfer Pricing and Economic Value Added
- Accurate business unit performance measurement as key to capital allocation
- Transfer pricing broadly as the way to achieve accurate performance measurement and to steer the balance sheet
- The need for liquidity risk pricing and funds transfer pricing (FTP) as the mechanism to do this
- Options for calculating the FTP curve
- Effective maturity measurement for FTP on assets and liabilities with significant behavioural elements
- Pricing contingent liquidity risk – deposits, liquidity/credit facilities, derivatives collateral posting
Case Study 15: Implementing FTP at a predominantly retail bank
- FTP for investment banking operations – behavioural holding periods and high contingent liquidity risks
Case Study 16: Implementing FTP at a universal bank with significant investment banking operations
- Full transfer pricing and economic value added (EVA)
Case Study 17: What does a complete EVA framework look like?
- Should Treasury make a profit from transfer pricing?
Strategic ALM (Cont.)
ALM and Capital Management
- Role of ALM in capital management
- Regulatory vs. economic capital
- Budgeting by business unit and firm-wide
- Forming the capital plan in conjunction with the business plan and stress testing it for ICAAP or other purposes. What target capital range should we have?
- Setting risk appetite and limits across the group
- Optimizing capital issuance – capital composition choices (equity, Additional Tier 1, Tier 2 and other loss absorbency capacity) and implications for earnings and balance sheet resilience
Case Study 18: Capital planning at Barclays Plc
- Target ratings considerations
- Performance measurement and capital allocation across business units – EVA; returns on risk-adjusted capital; diversification; and strategic considerations
Case Study 19: EVA and capital allocation at Nordea
- Deleveraging transactions
- Measuring ALM performance
- Role of ALM in capital efficiency
Derivatives Hedging in ALM
- Derivatives hedge accounting under IFRS 9. What place for non-designated hedges with economic benefit?
- Review of key interest rate and FX derivatives used in ALM
- Level 2 vs. Level 3 valuation
- Using interest rate derivatives to manage net interest income, fair value portfolios, and funding management
- Standard vs. non-standard derivatives
- Operational and liquidity implications
- Enhancing income through use of derivatives
- ALM impact of clearing derivatives through central clearers vs. bilateral margining
- Collateral and capital implications of new derivatives regulations
- Impacts on capital and financial performance from derivatives applications
Case Study 20: Use of cross currency interest rate swaps to hedge non-base currency own debt issuance
ALM and Funding
- Review of funding instruments, their behaviour, costs, risks and benefits – deposits (retail, SME, large corporates); interbank; commercial paper and certificates of deposits; secured financing transactions; covered bonds; securitization; senior unsecured debt
- Optimizing the funding mix for the business model
Case Study 21: Reconfiguring the funding mix at Paragon Banking Group Plc
- Where is the line between capital and funding?
- Target ratings and financial flexibility considerations
- Developing and maintaining market access
- Managing funding maturity profile
- Use of derivatives in financing strategies
- Securitization – which assets; what risk retention; tranching; capital requirements; cash flow considerations
- Structured financing products and strategies
- Off-balance sheet and special purpose vehicle financing
Insurance Company ALM
- Solvency 2 efficient investment portfolio construction under the standard formula and internal model options
- Managing interest rate risk, taking account of guarantees (at maturity, annual and clique), volatility adjustment, risk margin and transitional measures on technical provisions – the problem of the ultimate forward rate
- Reinsurance programme design under Solvency 2
- Balancing returns and risks in product design and mix under Solvency 2 – how to measure economic value of new business (VNB)
Case Study 22: VNB measurement at Allianz SE
- Derivatives in insurance ALM
- Setting the Solvency 2 ratio target range, ladder of intervention and composition of own funds
Case Study 23: Implementing Solvency 2 efficient ALM across product design, investment portfolio construction, interest rate risk management and reinsurance
Mr. Taylor is a great teacher, he answers every single question and has an in-depth knowledge of ALM. On the other hand, the course has a right balance between theory and practical applications.
(Senior Officer - Black Sea Trade & Development Bank)
Great perspective by the best team I have had the pleasure of learning from.
(Unknown - FDIC)
I would highly recommend this course. The teacher can move with ease from financial terminology to mathematical implementations to prove financial models and concepts.
(Senior ALM Officer - European Stability Mechanism)
The course was very helpful in understanding the principles of ALM and the new challenges arising from regulatory requirements.
(Portfolio Manager - KA finanz)
Thank you very much - lots of interesting topics touched which I hope I will be able to exploit in my daily activity.
(Unknown - Generali Insurance Asset Management)
Very professional course leader!
(Auditor - Inspectorate General Ministry of Finance Indonesia)
Certain parts of the course were tough as I am not an ALM specialist, but I am really happy that I did this course and will look out for more from LFS. A special thanks to Rupesh for his patience and time.
(FX Trader - Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Great course. Meets expectations fully.
(Senior Director - FMS Wertmanagement AöR)
I think the course content was exactly what was needed to integrate the ALM process with capital budgeting and risk. The Instructor was highly experienced and had the right teaching approach.
(Executive Director - Banif - Banco de Investimento, SA)
The course is well run and market relevant.
(ALM Analyst - BNP Paribas)
The course provides a solid foundation for anyone who wants to work directly or indirectly within ALM and the importance of the role and input towards ALCO / CEO to determine strategy.
(Wealth Management Treasury - Investment Bank)
A very informative course, and I must say the tutor was excellent - William demonstrated a knowledge base that was inspiring!
(Repo/Liquidity Trader - ANZ Banking Group Ltd)
Excellent course with great facilities and service. I will be definitely using LFS again for future course bookings.
(FX Manager - EMEA - )
Course Details
This course is also available in London Time Zone and New York Time Zone
- To run this course at your organisation, contact us.

Call now for more information on this course or to book:
Asia Pacific +65 3159 3707
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