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Volatility: Trading and Managing Risk

This programme gives you a deep understanding of the key differences between volatility models and their implications for trading and risk management.

The course starts by analysing the role of volatility in current financial markets including the causes and impact of volatility smiles on a variety of financial products.  This leads into practical sessions covering techniques for trading volatility, and the application of a range of volatility derivatives such as volatility swaps, volatility futures and volatility options.

The final part of the programme covers the treatment of volatility in the more popular stochastic volatility models used in the industry such as SABR and Heston and provides insights into the most relevant approaches to modelling volatility under current market conditions.

Recommend to a Colleague
  • Date:
  • Venue:
  • Central London and remotely via LFS LiveLFS Live
  • Fee:
  • £1350 per day
    £4050 total

This course is also available in New York Time Zone and Singapore Time Zone

Who The Course is For
  • Derivative traders
  • Quants and research analysts
  • Fund managers, fund of funds
  • Structured product teams
  • Financial and valuation controllers
  • Private wealth managers
  • Risk managers and regulators
  • Finance directors
  • Bank and corporate treasury managers
Prior Knowledge
  • Basic mathematics including the concept of a derivative
  • Participants should be familiar with the use of Excel

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