Werner De Bondt

Dr Werner F.M. De Bondt is director of the Richard H. Driehaus Center for Behavioral Finance at De Paul University in Chicago and one of the founders of the field of behavioral finance. Between 1992 and 2003, he was the Frank Graner Professor of Investment Management at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dr De Bondt studies the psychology of investors and financial markets. His research is interdisciplinary. He has examined key concepts of bounded rationality, e.g., people's tendency to exaggerate the true impact of new information, their bent towards wishful thinking, or their biased perceptions of risk. Dr De Bondt is a frequent speaker to academics and investment professionals around the world and his research articles have appeared in many scholarly journals. He holds degrees in economics, engineering, and public administration, as well as a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Cornell University (1985).